X10 Wireless Technology - IR32A

Below are all the different types of X10 Wireless Technology. Select the device of your choice, to download the manual

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IconRemote CBS im HB wim 5S i Mfi 0 0 0 TO rtCM nrvn ft W E Oft m CD n i HE CTUf MWE r i on nn O d 9 Owner s Manual Model IR32A SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS FCC Caution Remember to exercise good common sense when using the Home Automation features of your remote especially when scheduling unattended devices There can be some unexpected consequences if not used with care For example an empty coffee pot can be remotely turned on If that should happen your coffee pot could be damaged from overheating If an electric heater is turned on by remote control while clothing is draped over it a fire could result DO NOT USE the remote for the control of ...